Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

How much do your services cost?

Staff Outsourcing offers very competitive rates depending on the scope of work, the costs will vary depending on the services needed. Please contact us for a free quote!

What type of services do you offer?

We offer a wide variety of services; please check our services page for the full list. Just contact us if any questions

How do I know my information that's received is secure?

All computers are installed with a strict monitoring program which blocks access to any unauthorized website, all computers are within a secured server and do not have access to USB and CD drives. These are only a few steps of all precautions within Staff Outsourcing.

Will my agents be working for multiple clients at the same time?

With a few exception services, all of our representatives are dedicated strictly for your account.

Can I interview, or speak with my representatives before hiring?

Absolutely! We’re happy to schedule interview times, as well you are welcome to leave the hiring process in our capable hands.

What if one of my agents is not performing, can I swap?

Though we rarely see this happen due to our scrupulous hiring process. If you are unhappy with the representative please contact our support staff and we assure you preventative measures will be taken to assure that you are happy with the representative given.

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